
Discover the Mystical Charm of Rainbow Moonstone Jewelry by Desiregem: A Wholesale Journey in 925 Sterling Silver

Rainbow Moonstone, a gemstone shrouded in mystique and allure, has captivated hearts and minds for centuries. At Desiregem, we are passionate about bringing this enchanting stone's magic into our exclusive wholesale collection of 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, and earrings.

Origin of Rainbow Moonstone:

Rainbow Moonstone, a member of the feldspar family, primarily originates from India and Sri Lanka. Its unique play of color, known as adularescence, creates a mesmerizing dance of light akin to moonbeams playing over water.

Gemstone Properties:

What sets Rainbow Moonstone apart is its remarkable sheen. When light penetrates the stone, it scatters in a spectrum of colors, creating its trademark rainbow effect. This phenomenon, coupled with its high transparency and orthoclase and albite composition, makes Rainbow Moonstone a jewel of enchantment.

Interesting Fact:

A fascinating aspect of Rainbow Moonstone is its historic connection to lunar deities and myths. It’s believed to harness the energy of the moon, embodying the divine feminine and offering protection to travelers.

Benefits and Healing Properties:

Rainbow Moonstone is more than just visually stunning; it’s a stone imbued with profound healing properties. It's said to bring balance, harmony, and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance, and inner confidence. This gemstone is particularly revered for its ability to offer protection, and its calming energies are said to relieve emotional stress.

Desiregem’s Collection:

Our collection at Desiregem takes these mystical properties and artfully crafts them into wearable pieces of art. Each piece of our Wholesale Rainbow Moonstone Jewelry is handcrafted with care, ensuring that the natural beauty of the stone is perfectly complemented by the elegance of 925 Sterling Silver. From sleek, modern rings to intricately designed necklaces, our range offers a variety of styles to suit any taste.


Whether you are drawn to the Rainbow Moonstone for its captivating beauty or its healing properties, Desiregem's wholesale collection of 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry provides the perfect embodiment of this gemstone’s magic. Immerse yourself in the mystical world of Moonstone and discover a piece that resonates with your spirit.